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Cookies Policy

Bookmark Reading Charity Cookies Policy


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Cookies Policy

1. Cookies 

1.1 We use cookies to collect browser data when you visit our website. A cookie is a small text file that is transferred from a website to your computer, phone or tablet. It allows information to be passed back and forth between your device and our website. For example, it may store details that you submit on the site — like your personal settings, location etc. — so you don’t need to enter information more than once. 

1.2 We don’t use cookies to identify users personally. We only store information that you’ve specifically given us permission to store.

1.3 Our website uses a small number of cookies to give us a better overall picture of how people interact with the site, and how we can improve our services for our customers, volunteers and supporters. The information we gather through this process is completely anonymous, and we cannot identify visitors to our site. 

1.4 We use cookies to: 1.4.1 ensure content on the website is relevant to you 1.4.2 remember your choices so we don’t have to ask you every time you visit 1.4.3 improve your experience on our website by providing statistical data on overall usage, and anonymised trend data from website visitors 1.4.4 continually improve our services and website 

1.5 Please see our Website Privacy Policy for further details on why we need to process this data. 

1.6 The cookies that we use are: 

Bookmark Reading Charity Website

  • When you choose to accept the terms of our cookies policy, by clicking on the cookies’ banner that shows on our website, this means our site automatically remembers your choices – so that you’re not presented with the cookies banner every time you visit the website.
  • We sometimes use cookies to keep track of whether you’ve visited our website from a particular link – for example in one of our emails or adverts. We do this so we can link donations or volunteer registrations back to individual communications and measure how effective our campaigns are.
  • By continuing to use our website, you are accepting cookies on your device. If you prefer not to accept cookies, please leave our website. 
  • The cookies expire around two years after your first visit to the website. You’ll then have an opportunity to review your acceptance of our terms

Google Analytics

Provides us with anonymised data on website usage patterns. This helps us develop our content and design our website so that it is fit for use. Google Analytics manages its cookies, which it uses to:

  • determine visitors who have never been to the site before, versus those who are returning visitors
  • establish the traffic source, device, and browser type of visitors


To help us reach more supporters and services users online. Facebook manages its cookies, which it uses to:

  • market to relevant audiences on Facebook 
  • profile audiences who come to the website


To help us to reach more supporters and service users online. Twitter manages its cookies which it uses to: 

  • market to relevant audiences on Twitter 
  • profile audiences who come to the website


For website research and feedback gathering. Hotjar uses cookies to:

  • manage survey and poll visibility on the website
  • ensure that responses to polls and surveys are unique (not served to the same visitor twice)
  • generate data on visitor behaviour (user journeys through the website)


To promote content on our website from within our website and on other websites. Outbrain uses cookies to: 

  • ensure that visitors to our website, and other websites that link to our site, see content that is relevant to them 
  • track performance of content on our website

We use some tools on our pages from social networks, such as Twitter/​X, Facebook and Instagram. Any information used via these tools is not shown to us, and we don’t store any information from them. 

You may refer to each site’s own policies for more information: 

Twitter/​X: https://​twit​ter​.com/​e​n​/​p​r​ivacy 

Facebook: https://​en​-gb​.face​book​.com/​f​u​l​l​_​d​a​t​a​_​u​s​e​_​p​olicy 

Instagram: https://​help​.ins​tagram​.com/​155833707900388 

LinkedIn: LinkedIn Privacy Policy

2. Storing information during your visit 

2.1 At certain points when you’re on the Bookmark Reading Charity website, you may submit information that you want the site to remember during your visit. For example, when you input your email address, and this is passed through to another page. 

2.2 This information is only stored through a cookie during the time you’re on our site. We will only store information elsewhere when you give us permission to do so (such as creating an account with us), and this will be done via our secure Platform. 

3. Controlling and deleting cookies on your computer

3.1 All browsers allow you to manage which cookies you accept, reject and delete. You can usually find these controls under the Preferences’ or Tools’ menu. 

3.2 The following table provides links with instructions on how to prevent new cookies being stored and/​or deleting existing cookies depending on the browser you are using:

Internet Explorer http://​win​dows​.microsoft​.com/​e​n​-​G​B​/​i​n​t​e​r​n​e​t​-​e​x​p​l​o​r​e​r​/​d​e​l​e​t​e​-​m​a​n​a​g​e​-​c​o​okies 

Firefox Clear cookies and site data in Firefox | Firefox Help (moz​illa​.org)

Google Chrome https://​sup​port​.google​.com/​c​h​r​o​m​e​/​a​n​s​w​e​r​/​95647​?​hl=en 

Safari http://​help​.apple​.com/​s​a​f​a​r​i​/​m​a​c​/​8​.​0​/​#​/​s​f​r​i​11471 

You can find more detail about individual browser settings and cookies generally at www​.about​cook​ies​.org. By continuing to use our website, you are accepting cookies on your device. If you prefer not to accept cookies, please leave our website.

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