World Book Day 2022 round up

At Bookmark, we look forward to World Book Day every year. It’s a great way for children to develop an enjoyment of reading and immerse themselves in the world of books by dressing up as characters and having the opportunity to own a book of their own. Did you know children who have a book of their own are six times more likely to read above the level expected for their ages than children who don’t own a book. That’s 22% vs. 3.6%.

This is why we support World Book Day by sharing activities and getting involved as much as possible. Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success and we want to see more children reading and enjoying it!

Our partner schools were no exception as they put on some fantastic activities including dressing up potatoes as literary characters and making literary themed cakes! Take a look what they got up to below:

Sharon Pindar