Bookmark’s response to the Schools White Paper

This week the Department for Education have published a Schools White Paper, setting out their plan to support the literacy skills of children across the country.

 Here at Bookmark, we fully support the government’s mission to ensure that 90% of primary school children achieve the expected standard in Key Stage 2 reading, writing and maths by 2030. 

 We’re pleased to see that the government recognises that children need extra help with their reading, to ensure that they will succeed in school and beyond. The value the government are placing on 1:1 tuition is much needed.

 The promise that any child who falls behind with English will get the support they need to get back on track fits with Bookmark’s simple mission: we want every child to read. We understand that reading isn’t just about books, it’s about reading a road sign, a job application, or an important letter from your bank. We’re committed to supporting children to develop the reading skills and confidence they need for a fair chance in life.

Sharon Pindar, Founder and Chair of Trustees at Bookmark said:

“We’re encouraged by the government’s pledge to support children with their literacy. Since inception Bookmark has delivered 30,000 one-to-one reading sessions to children who were below the expected standard. We know that this work, combined with the government’s efforts, will have an impact that will last a lifetime.”

Sharon Pindar