Bookmark reading charity school network programme

Free reading resources for your school

Bookmark are delighted to follow up our Your Story Corner offering with an opportunity for schools to become part of our School Network Programme. 

Available to previous Your Story Corner schools that meet our eligibility criteria, the School Network Programme is here to help schools that need our support the most. Becoming a part of our School Network Programme will mean partner schools receive £1000 worth of resources from Bookmark Reading Charity over 12 months.  

In return, schools will provide impact data.

What’s included?

  • Bookmark Rocket Packs – a termly book bundle worth £450 in total.

  • 200 copies of our in-house The Story Corner magazine for three terms.

  • 100 copies of our in-house graphic novel magazine.

  • Bookmark scrapbooks alongside our ‘Whole School Reading Challenge’.

  • Other continuous professional development documents and inspiration booklets to develop a whole school reading culture.

who is ELIGIBLE?

This is by invitation only for all schools who have previously received our Your Story corner offering and who meet our eligibility criteria. Our eligibility criteria is schools who have a higher than national average percentage for Free School Meals and IDACI plus a lower than the national average for Key Stage 2 Reading Results.

For more information or to find out if your school is eligible, please contact

Find out more

We provide a volunteer-led programme for children in Years 1-5 who are at risk of not meeting the expected standard for reading. Click here to find out more.